Sunday, 16 March 2014

Blame your lifestyle for your acne

Getting rid of acne is not as easy as it seems, but with some lifestyle changes, and treatments recommended and supervised by a dermatologist, you can deal with them. 

Cosmetic dermatologist Dr Sadhana Deshmukh explains, "Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads and inflamed red growths (papules, pustules, and cysts). These growths are commonly called pimples." Here are some tips that can help you combat acne. 
Wash your hair regularly Keeping your scalp clean is of utmost importance. If you have dandruff and your skin comes in contact with it, there is a risk of pimples and breakouts. 
Do not share towels This is a basic hygiene rule — avoid sharing your towels. If you do, there are more chances of the infection spreading. 
Don't touch the affected area Refrain from touching your acne all the time. If you pop a pimple, it might scar you for life. 
Hormonal imbalances could also cause acne Factors like hormonal imbalances and genetic history could lead to pimples. Pregnancy, menopause, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can also cause skin problems. 
Stress could cause breakouts Stress is the reason for many disorders and skin problems are no different. Doctors say while the connection between acne and stress has been debated, research has indicated that 'increased acne severity' is significantly associated with increased stress levels. 
Older people also get acne Acne is usually seen among teenagers, but it is not uncommon among men and women in their twenties and thirties. Doctors say it's a myth that one grows out of pimples as one grows older. If acne is treated early on, the chances of it forming scars as one grows older, become less. 
Flush toxins with water You should drink water according to your weight. An average person needs around three to three-anda-half litres of water daily. Water flushes out toxin and combats skin problems. 
Sleep for seven to eight hours Adequate amount of sleep can help your skin. Dr Preeti Devnani, from the department of neurology and sleep medicine of a hospital, says our body goes into a repair and rejuvenate mode while we sleep. 
Psychological affects of acne Acne severely affects teenagers. They go into a shell and avoid socializing because of their skin problems. If acne is not treated in time, some severely affected students may even sink into depression, says clinical psychologist Seema Hingorrany.

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