Everywhere I go, I see people with cool nails. Nails that have tiny
roses painted on them, nails with polka dots, nails with tiger stripes
and, in one memorable case,
The Simpsons characters.
Inspired, I then I go home and try to do my own nail art. And the
results are hilariously terrible. Even when I buy polish with superfine
“nail art” brushes and follow tutorials online, it never quite works
out. I’ll smear the tiny polka dots. I’ll try to carefully pull on boots
before the paint dries, and smudge my precious handiwork. I’ll make a
squiggle I didn’t mean to make and then howl, “They’re ruined!!!” and
decide I
hate nail art and vow to never do it again as I take all the polish off in a huff.
Are you, too, plagued by the feeling
that life
would be more fun and way more seasonally appropriate if only you could
master the artful DIY manicure? Then tape manis are for you. As in,
designs you make using plain ol’
Scotch tape.
You paint on a base color and let it dry, then apply tape in different
configurations, and paint with another color, which will then show up
only where the tape is not. Then you peel it off the tape and boom!
Crisp, professional-looking lines! Little crosses, triangles,
chevrons—it’s all possible. People will say: “
Omg did you do that yourself?”
You will need
- tape (any kind of clear plastic tape works, I used Scotch)
- scissors
- multiple nail polish colors
- pinking shears (crafting scissors that cut geometric jagged edges, an optional tool for Level 3)
Tape mani tips
Before you start, we want to throw out a few general tips for doing tape manis.
Allot drying time! Let the base color dry
not just “almost,” before moving on to the tape step. Or the tape will
end up peeling off the base. If you can let it dry at least an hour
before moving on, that’s best. You can also do your base coat one day,
and your accent work the next.
Paint and peel quickly. Peel off tape
after painting your accent color over it. We found that if we let the
accent color dry on the tape before removing it, it might break when you
go to peel it off, or leave an imprint that fogs up your base.
Customize. Each how-to below explains the steps for
doing a single nail. You can, of course, repeat the designs on every
nail, or just do an accent nail or two, or invert or switch up your
shades from nail to nail.
Add base and top. As always, we recommend a good base coat and
top coat to make your mani last as long as possible.
Level 1: The French Cheat
Alors, voici mes ongles. That is French for “Okay, here are my nails,” and that is
exactly what le very stylish people with this fake French would say if they could speak after seeing how easy this is.

This one is so simple, we don’t even need to break it into steps.
Apply your base coat (electric blue, perhaps?). Let dry completely. Then
rip off a small piece of tape and completely cover your whole nail,
except for a thin line at the top. Paint the uncovered part a different
shocking shade, or white, or black. Then peel off the tape slowly and
Magnifique! Why you so fancy?

Inglot Nail Enamel in 991 | tips:
Anna Sui Nail Color in N212
Level 2: The Searchlight
A bold streak of color extending up from the base of the nail, like a
searchlight flashing into the night. Dramatique. Chic. Really freakin’
Step 1: Paint your base color (we used grey here). Allow to dry completely.
Step 2: Rip off two small pieces of tape, each about
the length of your top pinky knuckle. With these, we’ll form a “V”
shape on the nail. Apply one side of the tape at an angle—the bottom of
the tape should start at the very center of the base of the nail and
extend out. Do the other side to mirror that, angling out in the other
direction. Make certain you’ve pressed the tape down
everywhere. Now you have tape covering all of your base color except a “V” in the center.
Step 3: Paint over the V. Here, we used yellow, to give the effect of flashlight beams poking through grey fog.
Step 4: Peel off the tape slowly and voila! Crisp, clean lines.

Inglot Cosmetics Nail Enamel in 363 | accent:
Cult Nails Nail Lacquer in Feel Me Up
Level 3: Alligator Teeth
Like the jaws of destiny. Welcome to your new favorite, retro-looking going-out mani!
Les dents de crocodiles looks complicated when it’s all said and done, but it’s so easy to do, you might cry tears of joy.
Step 1: Paint your base color. Let it dry completely.
Step 2: Rip off a piece of tape. If you have pinking
shears, cut lengthwise up the side of the tape to leave little teeth in
the tape. Alternately, you can use regular scissors to cut tiny
triangles into the side of a strip of tape. It doesn’t have to be
perfectly even—variation will just make your mani come out more
avant-garde. Apply tape to the nail, making sure to press down
Step 3: Paint over with a different, contrasting color.
Step 4: Pull the tape off slowly, and spend the next
several hours admiring your nails. Make sure to reserve more time
throughout your day to field compliments, because seriously, you are
soooo good at nail art.

RGB Nail Polish in Punch | accent:
Anna Sui Nail Color in N325
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