Sunday, 16 March 2014

Why Big, Bold Cara Delevingne Brows Could Work for Anybody — Even You

I'm not a look-at-me kind of person and I have dark blond hair, so I never thought I'd be the type to go for the Cara Delevingne brow, but that's just what inadvertently happened. It all started a few months ago when I decided to bleach my brows so they would better match my hair — no one told me that bleaching can result in hairs turning orange after a few days! Whilst complaining about walking around feeling like an Oompa Loompa, a friend suggested I try Anastasia's Tinted Brow Gel — which turned out to be a miracle worker! It applies easily with the swipe of a mascara-like wand and once you let it dry, you don't have to worry about it coming off in a raccoon eye-mascara kind of a way no matter how much you sweat.
I wanted something more permanent, however, so I stopped by Completely Bare's Browlabfor tinting. I was told that the only way to cover up all the orange was to go dark. A few minutes later my eyebrows were nearly black. It was a shock at first because my face suddenly was considerably more defined and almost severe looking, but it didn't take me long to get used to my new brows. The darker brows help frame and define my face, something that's especially important when not wearing any makeup. It's key, however, to have perfectly groomed brows if you go dark, as imperfections are more readily noticeable. Browlab is awesome for shaping; it's run by famed brow stylist to the stars Joey Healyand since it's them that I credit for my fantastic brows, I asked Healy for some insight on how to get Delevingne's perfectly bold brows.
"Cara Delevingne’s bold brows have become a source of discussion in the beauty world. They are thick yet defined, full yet groomed and dense yet manicured. In order to achieve the perfect bold eyebrow, the three most important things to remember are proportion, balance and facial harmony. The perfect balance of the three results in thick brows that are feminine and refined."
To get bold brows on your own, Joey Healy recommends following these steps:
  1. The best tool for eyebrow regrowth is patience. For four weeks there should be absolutely no tweezing or hair removal, including strays. This is extremely important to remember because every hair looks like it is a stray until there are two more hairs close to each other.
  2. It is essential to use an eyebrow serum, preferably one with peptides. My Brow Renovation Serum has essential peptides that strengthen the hair follicle to support healthier and fuller eyebrows and improve the health of the surrounding skin for thicker growth. Directions for usage: Use morning and night for 6 weeks, then nightly thereafter. Apply in the morning after your skincare regimen and allow ten minutes dry time before makeup application. Apply nightly on clean face, just before bedtime.
  3. Tinting is an immediate way to obtain fuller, thicker brows. Tinting the brows is the best way to instantaneously create a more prominent look because tinting makes sure every hair is working its hardest to give a strong, dense brow. This includes baby hairs, those that may have a blonde highlight from the sun and even pesky greys. Tintingeyebrows makes sure all hairs are accounted for and contributing to the eyebrow shape as a whole.
  4. Don’t trim any eyebrow hairs. One of the biggest mistakes people make is trimming their eyebrows. Sometimes the greatest asset in someone’s overall eyebrow appearance is the length of the hairs. When trimming eyebrows, someone could potentially be giving themselves gaps or holes that will be revealed after combing. All hairs should generously overlap with their neighbor in order to create a thick, full appearance. It is important to trim only where the hair is particularly coarse and when guided by a professional.
  5. Book a visit with an eyebrow professional. Achieving the perfect, thick eyebrow is not a DIY job. It is important to visit a professional that educates you on how to maintain eyebrows on your own to touch up in between appointments. It is also important to book an appointment with someone that only tweezes rather than waxing and threading. These types of hair removal methods remove too much hair at one time where tweezing allows for more control and deliberate removal of individual hairs.

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