Thursday, 20 March 2014

Stay Safe From Fraud! Check Out Tips to Catch Home Based Jobs Scams!

It is difficult to know about the home based jobs that what is scam and what is an authentic job posting. There are always certain warning signs and if one keeps a close eye on those signs he can easily know whether it’s a scam or legitimate job opening. Each site has certain signs and if you browse for jobs you experience that some sites have ratings by which you can easily inquire about its legitimacy.
Below are the some of the major warning signs by which one can easily spot whether it is genuine or not.

Promising Job Offers:

Scamers always try to target those individuals who always want to earn huge sums of money quickly. Firstwarning sign that usually appears is always related to this kind of scam. So be careful here because these offers are so much good to be true. You should avoid these huge promises because they usually lead to different kind of scams.

Request for Registration Fee:

Be careful if you are asked to submit some of the money as a registration fee for application or you are asked to dial certain 900 numbers for more details. So be cautioned here.  Home based jobs never involve such steps, so you should never pay to get such jobs. Another scam you may see is when you asked to submit a skill project such as toys etc. and they promise higher price per rate in return. Never do that because once you are done and submit it, they say that your work does not meet their given specifications.

Jobs those have certain awards and endorsements:

While searching for home based jobs you see that some job offering websites are claiming that they have done extensive research, they are voted as “No. 1” and “This is the leading site for the home based jobs” etc. Such awards never exists in this industry and they are just doing to attract the job seekers so be aware!

Absence of Contact Information:

Please consider that do the given job advertisements have any physical presence or not. For example if you visit “About Us” or “Contact Us” section on their website so do they have any contact information or not? Authentic companies always give you their true contact information. Some companies use general email addresses and P.O box numbers, they might not be the scam but you have to consider it seriously while applying for home based jobs.

No Experience and Skills:

Every legitimate job requires certain level of experience or different set of skills while you are applying for job. Job offers with no prior experience given or asking for different skills in their job description is always leading to a scam.
So, one should be careful while applying for those home based jobs. Check out the company profile and always look for the above signs. If you are victimized so complain it to relevant authorities and share your experience with others. Be patient while applying for home based jobs and inquire about them with serious consideration.

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