*Chapter 1*
Welcome *Internet Friend,*
Earning Huge Money in the internet is very easy. The important thing you
must know the right technique with attitude and dedication. I am Earning
more than Rs.25000 and above every month from Internet through Google's
adsense program. This online jobs doesnt need any Investment.
Before knowing the full details *Check My Earning Proof*
Many people are looking for an Extra income in the internet and they search
for many online money making jobs in the internet. One of the Easiest way
to Earn money from internet is through Google. I mean Googe a... more »
Contact Us

We provide Free training and Free blog website setup with No cost. 100%
Full Free Training given. We gurantee you to earn minimum of $100 every
month. We train only 25 Peoples every month. So call us and fix the time
for online Yahoo chat or voice chat through G-talk or skype.
*Yahoo Messanger Id : instantonlinejobs@yahoo.comG-Talk id:
instantonlinejobs@gmail.comSkype : instantonlinejobsMobile : (0)9994 373
Earnings Proof from Google Adsense

We have been giving Free training to many people and they are earning a
decent income ranging from Rs.10000 to Rs.1 lakh per month. It depends on
your smart work, dedication and following with right technique.
Check some of the Earnings Proof Cheque from Google
Learn How to place Google Ads in your Blog

*Chapter 8*
Once you get approval from Google adsense, you can place google ads in your
blog website. This chapter explains how to place google ads in your blog
*Step 1.* Go to www.blogger.com and login using your Gmail Id and password.
Click "Template" link as shown below.
*Step 2.* Now click the "Add a page element" link as shown in the page
*Step 3.* Now you will get a pop up window. In this window you have many
options. You have to click "Adsense" option as shown in the below page.
*Step 4.* Now you will get a page as shown below. Click "Sign in" link to
pla... more »
Apply for Google Adsense to Earn Money
*Chapter 7*
After creating your blog website, the next step is to apply for Google
adsense program.
*What is Google Adsense?*
Google displays thier ads in the websites and this ad blocks are called
google adsense. You can notice google ads in many websites, which shows
"Ads by Google".
*How Google pays you for displaying their ads in yours Blog/websites?*
Google has many advertisers and those advertisers are willing to display
thier ads in other websites. Google gets advertisement from advertisers and
display their ads in other Blog/Websites. If some one visits your blog
website ... more »
Quality Content for your Blog

*Chapter 6*
Here we have listed some of the famous article websites to get quality
content for your blog website. You can visit any of the below website and
get the content of your interest. We reccommend you to select categories in
the area of Home based jobs, Business, Investment or anything related to
Earning money categories.
*Note :* While copying the content, make sure you follow the terms and
conditions of the respective article website from where you copy the
Below is the famous article website to get quality content.
http://www.ezinear... more »
Step by step Guide Continues..

*Chapter 5*
*Step 7.* Now you will get a page as shown below. Now Click "Start posting"
button to proceed.
*Step 8.* Now choose the template design of your choice. Template is
nothing but your website design layout. You can change your template design
at anytime in future. Now Click "Continue" button to proceed.
*Step 9.* After selecting your template, now you need to post some content
for your blog website. Below page shows how to post content for your blog
website. We have only shown how to post the content. We will tell you what
to post in the next chapter. Enter the title and... more »
Step by step Guide to Create a Blog

*Chapter 4*
This page Guides you to create a Blog website. Your blog website will have
the name http://xyz.blogspot.com "xyz" is your Blog name. You can check our
blog http://my-google-earnings.blogspot.com where "my-google-earnings" is
our Blog name.
*Please follow the below steps to create your own Blog Website*
*Step 1.* You need a Gmail Account to create a Blog Account. If you do not
have one visit www.gmail.com and create one. It takes less than 2 min to
*Step 2.* Now go to http://www.blogger.com to create your Blog website
account. You can see the page shown below.
... more »
What is a Blogger?
*Chapter 3*
Blogger is nothing but a Personal or Business Dairy or Website, where you
write your interesting stuffs on a regular basis. You do not need to create
a website. Blogger has its own template. Just you need to post your
interesting topics, contents, etc. The activity of updating a blog is
“blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.”
Many people doesnt know how to create a website to publish thier
interesting articles. Blog gives them an opportunity to create their own
blog, where they can post their interests.
People dont need any technical software languages ... more »
Requirements & Qualification for Google Adsense

*Chapter 2*
You must need some minimum requirements given below to start this Online
Pay Per Click Program:
1. A Computer with internet Connection in Home or Office or You can work
from Cyber cafe/Browsing Centres.
2. Simple Internet Browsing knowledge is enough to start this program. No
Previous experience needed.
3. A Valid Email address.
4. You must have a Bank Account to deposit the cheques which you will
receive from Google.
5. A simple website similar to the one you are viewing
(http://my-google-earnings.blogspot.com). This website is called Blogger.
The website can cont... more »
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